Contemporary Chinese Artist Ye Hongxing in London – 13 September – 20 October 2012

As you may remember, this summer I went to the ART fair in Basel where I discovered the work of Chinese artist Ye Hongxing. She was one of those artists who stunned me not only because of the art she created but also because of the technique she used. Her art is very colorful, some pictures are Mandalas, like the one above, others are depictions of colorful gardens or dreamlike landscapes.

You may like this or not but once you stand in front of her work you’re in for a major surprise. This is art you need to see close up to appreciate how amazing it is as only when you stand quite close will you see that the individual pieces are collages made of hundreds of stickers. The result is stunning and surprising. A mass-product, something we might all have collected as children, creates powerful images which represent religious symbolism, fantastic landscapes and modern technology alike.

I’m glad Lee Sharrock PR informed me of her upcoming exhibition in London. Ye Hongxing is based in Bejing and this is her first UK exhibition. At the same time this is Scream’s opening of their new gallery space on 27 – 28 Eastcastle Street, London W1.

I will not be able to see the exhibition as I will not be in London during that time but for all those who live in London or the UK, don’t miss it. It’s really amazing what she does.

Ye Hongxing is considered to be one of the Top 20 rising Chinese artists. The exhibition is called The Modern Utopia and runs from 13 September to 20 October. As the press release states

 The title of the exhibition references the 1905 novel ‘A Modern Utopia’ by H.G Wells and is suggestive of the artist’s investigation into society and modern life.

Here is a bit more about Ye Hongxing.

25 thoughts on “Contemporary Chinese Artist Ye Hongxing in London – 13 September – 20 October 2012

  1. These pictures do look stunning. I cannot imagine what the art looks like in person!

    It is very interesting that the title of the exhibition refers to an H.G. Wells book. Unfortunately I have not read that one!

    • I agree, it’s stunning. Unfortunately you only see the pictre she created but not the individual figures they are made of. It must have taken such a long time to collect all of them, and the right colors.

    • I’ve only seen the Mandalas but they were already amazing. You can hardly believe what you see when you stand in font of them. The yellows were made of tweetie stickers and some others Disney figures and a lot more. Really stunning. I hope she will exhibit in the US.

  2. Her art looks really cool–but probably much more so in person and up close. I think the detail is what must really make it–sadly lost when you view it online. Maybe someday I’ll get to see her work here in the US.

  3. Beautiful images! Unfortunately I won’t be back in London until after the exhibition has finished, but otherwise would definitely go to see it, especially as it’s a new gallery as well. I love that she uses stickers to such great effect!

    • I think it’s a brilliant idea. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
      Too bad you cannot go and see it. But you can still visit the gallery later. Their program loks quite interesting.

  4. Ooh, I do like these pictures a lot. Collage looks easy to do, but it’s not. These are wonderful. I’d love to have the mandala hanging on my wall.

    • They are great, aren’t they. When you stand in front of them and look at them you know how difficult this must have been to do and they really are stunning. I find a lot of contemporary Chinese and Japanese art is quite daring. The way they experiment with mixed media is wonderful and not just and experiment but the result is meaningful and beautiful. I’d love to see this exhibition.

  5. Pingback: Figure and Motion – Creation Story: Pan Gu and Nu Wa – Autumn Miller

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